Nonfiction and Essays

”Ancestor Simulations: A Past, Revisited.”, Winter 2019. 

Ancestor simulations, such as the matrix simulation in the eponymous movie trilogy, are a recurring form of technology within speculative fiction; however, science fiction critics have largely overlooked their importance to the genre.  This paper examines how ancestor simulations function as a plot device and how this changes over time from the 1980s to today.  The relationship between characters and ancestor simulations parallels the growing dependency upon computers during this time period and, disturbingly, suggests a willingness to give up agency for a freedom mediated by computers and technology.

Read “Ancestor Simulations: A Past, Revisited” online. 

“Journaling as a Ritual Practice.” NILVX. Volume 2, Issue 3, Fall 2019.

A magical journal is an unexpected ritual partner for the practitioner of the esoteric arts. Many of us keep grimoires or Books of Shadow – but the magical journal is not the same. Within the magical journal, the practitioner finds a sacred space of transmutation. Learn how to use your journal for self-discovery in my article in the Fall 2019 issue of NILVX.

Purchase NILVX here.